You can read more details over at Mizumi's site at wiki.gbl.gg/w/Skullgirls/Umbrella

Umbrella is a strange setplay/grappler hybrid. From her slow, menacing bubbles to her high-damage grabs, she's definitely not at a loss for ways to keep you locked in or out. Her main neutral options are going to be sending out two of those aforementioned bubbles, but make one mistake around them and she goes a mile with it, with combo damage that sends chills down Big Band's spine.
Important Moves
Important Moves
- 2LK - Fast low, key to Umbrella's low/throw mixups, and great poke in neutral since it advances a good distance forward when done during a dash. Its ridiculous low-profile (lower than Squigly 2LK) makes it incredibly difficult to contest, especially when mixed up with 2MK.
- 2MK - Disjointed low, very important counterpart to 2LK. It has a very strong high-profile/low crush to beat moves that would otherwise hit 2LK. Also, it's invulnerable to throws, giving it a niche use as a reversal.
- 2MP - Low profile with good range and disjoint, vaccuums on contact while Ravenous, compliments 5MP very well.
- Tongue Twister - A very fast grounded command grab, very good for her strike/throw game, which can stretch to fullscreen in Ravenous.
- Salt Grinder - Your hit grab combo extender. Very high damage when under 4 Pips and staggers on release, leading to easy follow-ups.
- Slurp 'n' Slide - Your tool to get in when Ravenous or Satiated, very good combo piece while Ravenous, allowing you to begin pressure.
- Cutie Ptooie - Very important neutral tool as it's the only way to feed Hungern without landing a hit on the opponent, it's also amazing at controlling the air with its extensive active frames and travel arc.
- Wish Maker - Slow, horizontal bubble that traps your opponent in a bubble on hit, mainly used in neutral when covered by an assist or fullscreen, combo extensions, and resets. Be wary of what range you're at and what options your opponent may have.